I Can Only Attach a "Wish List" to Evite Baby Registry


In this article we will talk about how to make an amazon wish list and share it with friends or family. We'll learn how to add products and set up privacy. You'll also be interested in how to find someone's amazon wish list.

Amazon Wish List


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First of all, amazon wish list is very useful for those who every year ask the question what do I want for my birthday and for whom there is always the problem of choosing gifts and wishes. There are a lot of such people. Yes, almost all of us from time to time faces this problem. Just create your amazon wish list and send it out to your friends. From time to time you will add new items to it, and your friends and family, without difficulty and doubts can choose the gifts you need. Agree, it is very convenient.

So, how to make an amazon wish list? All you need is a customer account on Amazon.

  1. Hover over Account & Lists / Create a List

2. Give your list a name and click Create a List

3. You can now add items here. In addition, you can customize your wish list. To change the settings, click More on the right side of the screen and select Manage List

4. A settings window will appear in which you can choose:

  • List Name: change the name of your list.
  • Privacy: select whether you want your list to be public (anyone can see it), private (only you can see it), or shared (only certain people can see it).
  • Alexa list management: This option lets you choose whether you want to use Amazon Echo or another Alexa-enabled device to add items using voice commands.
  • List is for: this option lets you specify whether your list is for you or an organization.
  • Recipient: the name of the person or organization to whom the items in the list will go.

Personal settings:

  • E-mail address
  • Birthday
  • Description: this field makes it easy for others to find your list.
  • Shipping Address: the place where the items purchased by people in the list will be sent.
  • Keep Purchased Items on List: specify whether items purchased by you or someone else will remain on the list.
  • Don't spoil my surprises: enable this option to keep the items you bought visible for a few weeks so that you don't know what the giver bought.
  • Delete wish list

5. After making all the changes, click Save Changes

6. You can also invite someone to manage your wish list together. To view it or even to add items to it. To do this, click Invite under the list name

You will have a choice. Invite someone to view your wish list or to edit it. This will automatically change the confidentiality to Shared

Note! In order to add someone to edit your wish list, you must have an Amazon profile filled out. If you haven't filled it out, Amazon will automatically prompt you to do so. It's not hard to do. Just add photos and fill in the required fields

Wedding & Baby Registry. Birthday & Custom Gift Lists

At this link you can find Wedding & Baby Registry. Birthday & Custom Gift Lists Whether you're celebrating a wedding, a baby, a birthday, or other memorable milestone, our registries and gift lists will help you and your guests find the perfect gifts.

how to make an amazon wish list

These are special wish lists that can be timed to coincide with weddings, births, or birthdays. There are also many settings that allow you to share these lists, personalize them, send them to friends, link them to a date, and roughly estimate the number of guests. You can decorate them nicely and even get discounts. You can make available an option for guests to buy gifts in a pool if they are expensive and exceed a certain amount you set. There are also tips here from Amazon itself. Here's what the Wedding Registry settings look like, for example

The other types of registrations are set up in a similar way, but with properties for other holidays.

Note! After you create any of these registrations, it will appear on your wish lists and you can add items there.

How to add items to your Amazon Wish List

Of course there is no point in sharing an empty list. First you need to add your favorite products to it. By the way, adding items to your wish list is slightly different on your computer and mobile device.

  1. Find a product you like and go to its listing.
  2. Select the wish list or for example Wedding Registry from your list in the Buy box and click on it. The item will be added to your wish list.
how to make an amazon wish list

If you want to add an item to your wishlist on your mobile device in the app:

  • Go to the product listing
  • Scroll down until the Add to List button appears
  • If you have more than one listing, select the one you want
  • A heart icon will appear next to the product

Note! Some items cannot be added to any of the wish lists, such as books that are out of print, items with no release dates, and items with quantity limits.

Once you've added your favorite items to your wish list, it's time to share them. You can share it with everyone, only a select group of people, or keep it just for yourself. To share your list, you must first change your privacy settings and then share the link.

  1. On the list page, click More > Manage List
how to make an amazon wish list

2. Privacy. Select Public or Shared . With Public, anyone can search and find the list; with Shared, only people with a direct link can see the list. ( Private – available only to you.)

3. Click Save Changes. If you made it public, your list will be searchable after 15 minutes.

4. You can also just copy the link and send it to whoever you want (Just don't forget to set your privacy settings correctly

how to make an amazon wish list

How To Find Someone's Amazon Wish List

For complete information on how to find an amazon wish list or Wedding & Baby Registry or Birthday & Custom Gift Lists, see our article at this link.


Written by amazon expert Denis Dubenskyy
More ideas about wish lists on pinterest.com

I Can Only Attach a "Wish List" to Evite Baby Registry

Source: https://oplinkconnected.com/how-to-make-an-amazon-wish-list/

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