Which Member of Fred Ferd's Family Thinks He's a Pen Answer

Pre-intermediate (Lesson 18)

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Warm upward!

Complete the questions and answer them.

i) Have yous ever (wear) anything only once?
What? When (wear) it?

2) Have yous ever (be) to a mode show?
Where? (relish) it?

three) Have yous ever (dance) in very uncomfortable shoes?
Where? What  (happen)?

4) Have you ever (wearable) a «fancy dress»?
When? What (wear)?

5) Have yous e'er (encounter) anyone who was wearing exactly the same as you?
When? How  you (feel)?

6) Take you ever (buy) annihilation and never worn it?
What? Why (not wear) information technology?

7) Have you lot ever (ruin) clothes in the washing car?
What? What (happen)?

Grammar Revision.

A) Cull the respond you think is right.

i) When  ____  this sports club?
has your brother joined   did your brother joined  did your brother join   has your blood brother ever joined

2)  ____  in Germany?
Did y'all ever live   Have y'all always lived  Lived you  Didn't you accept lived

three) That's the all-time vocal  ____ .
I never heard   I didn't hear   I used to hear  I've always heard

four)  ____  to these partners over the phone two days ago.
I spoke   I've already spoken  I didn't spoke  I speaked

5) I'yard sure that  ____  this complicated presentation even so.
you haven't prepared   you didn't set  y'all don't prepare  yous prepare non

B) Employ the verbs either in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) I (read) that book iii times. 2) She (go) home iii days agone. iii) I (meet) Mr and Mrs Shelley. 4) She (start) school in 1984. 5) I (leave) the role early on last night. 6) He (see) the picture show before. vii) (you lot / be) to Austria? 8) (you / see) the film on Goggle box final dark? nine) When (you go far) in London? ten) John (be) to Frg before. 11) (you / read) this book before? 12) I (not / run into) him yesterday. 13) I never (go) anywhere by plane until now. 14) (yous / hear) their new record? Information technology's the all-time they've ever made. xv) I (not / know) virtually the disco last night.

 Vocabulary Written report and Do. VERB PHRASES.

A) Complete the text with the suggested variants.

changes cleaned does(x2) leaves makes take tidies

Parents of teenagers wrote to tell united states of america what drives them mad.
Here are some of the top «hates».

1) He never  his bed. If I brand information technology, I find foreign things in it similar dirty socks, CDs without their boxes…

ii) He never  his room — information technology's e'er a mess. The floor is covered with empty Coke cans, more muddied socks…

3) She  wet towels on the bathroom flooring and doesn't pick them upwards.

4) She walks around the house eating food without a plate, usually merely after I've  the floor. She then says «Pitiful» with an angelic smiling.

five) He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home, merely he never  the washing up.

6) When she comes into the living room she ever  the channel on the Telly — usually when I'k watching my favourite program.

7) Nosotros bought a canis familiaris for him, because he promised to  it for a walk every solar day. Guess who ever does information technology?

eight) She always  her homework at the concluding minute — usually late on Lord's day night. This means she needs the Cyberspace, just when her sister is «chatting» with her friends.

B) Pay attending to the verbs you have in the gaps. Think these phrases. Compose your own sentences with them.

Speaking and Listening.

A) Say which of these things are issues in your house and why. What else is a problem?


the Television set / figurer
the bathroom

What do yous do to solve these issues?

B) Listen to the tape and put numbers under the pictures.

C) At present consummate the sentences. Listen to the record again to check your answers.

A: Accept you  still?
B: No, not yet.
A: Well, hurry up! I'1000 going to be late for work.

A: You lot've  a towel on the flooring.
B: Well, I haven't finished all the same.
A: Well, don't forget to pick information technology up.

A: When are y'all going to practise your homework?
B: I've already  information technology.
A: Really? When?
B: I did information technology on the passenger vehicle this evening.

A: Tin you get a plate for that sandwich? I've just  the floor.
B: OK. Oops… Deplorable. Besides tardily.

Grammer Written report. YET / ALREADY / JUST.

Remember the following information:

Grammar Practice.

Write sentences or questions with ALREADY, JUST or However.

i) I / have / breakfast (just)
2) you / cease your homework? (even so)
3) the motion picture / start (already)
4) I / not run into / his girlfriend (yet)
5) they / become married (just)
half-dozen) You're as well belatedly. He / go home. (already)
7) you / speak to him? (yet)
viii) I / not read his new book (still)


Listen and echo the sentences.


Make sure that y'all know these words & phrases.

to rent a apartment —
to take a decision —
to go to court —
moody —
to argue —
to contribute —
to insult —
intolerable —

Speaking and Reading.

A) Answer the questions.

1) At what age do young people usually leave abode in your state?
ii) What do you think is the right historic period for a young person to get out home? Why?
3) What is meliorate to live with parents or to rent a flat?
four) Exercise y'all argue a lot with your parents (children)?
5) If you live with your parents, do you contribute to paying bills or ownership food?
half dozen) Accept you e'er insulted your parents (children)?
7) Are yous or members of your family moody?

B) Read the text and put the paragraphs in the right guild.

Problems with your teenage children?
Why non throw them out?

  What did the Serrano`s boys do? In fact they didn`t get very far from dwelling. The oldest boy David went to live with his girlfriend and just started work in her father`s structure visitor. The youngest son has rented a flat almost the family home (his mother paid the first month`south rent only).

And then Maria and Mariano asked their sons to leave the family unit home in Zaragoza in Spain. But the two boys didn`t want to go. So Mr and Mrs Serrano took an unusual decision — they went to courtroom.

Do you accept rude and moody teenage children living in your house? Have you ever secretly wanted to throw them out? A Spanish couple, Mr and Mrs Serrano, from Zaragoza in Kingdom of spain, have done exactly that.

Maria and her hubby Mariano lived with their 2 sons, David, twenty and Mariano, 18. `The situation was impossible,` said Maria. `We were ever arguing, our children were treating our business firm like a hotel, and they weren`t contributing anything. Besides they weren`t studying and looking for piece of work. They were complaining all the time and insulting u.s.. They didn`t respect us. I dear my children, but in the cease it was ruining our lives.`

Normally, nether Spanish law parents practice not have the correct to brand their children leave home. Just in this case the guess decided that the situation in the Serrano family unit was `intolerable`. He gave Mr and Mrs Serrano the correct to tell their children to go.

C) Choose the best summary for the text.

1) Mr and Mrs Serrano argued with their children. The children decided to leave home.
2) Mr and Mrs Serrano argued a lot. Their children were unhappy and so they left dwelling house.
3) Mr and Mrs Serrano argued with their children a lot. They told their children to leave habitation.

Exercise you lot call back Mr and Mrs Serrano were right or wrong? Why? Do you call up the story has a happy end?


Listen and bank check if you were right.

  Watch the video and reply the questions.

1) Why did Alison buy a new dress?
2) Who spoilt it?
3) Was it easy to get a new clothes? Have they washed this?
iv) How much was the wearing apparel? How does Helen pay?
5) What was the real price?



Source: https://fluenglish.com/uroki/pre-intermediate-lessons/pre-intermediate-lesson-18

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